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gym geek football


JUMP HIGER RUN FASTER Run Longer Reduce Injury risk ready for next season  

What is it?

Our  athletic development program is run by our Strength and Conditioning coach Joe Otton and Sports Therapist Lloyd Beals. We offer both elements of sports science for a fraction of the cost of paying for individual sessions to help keep you fit first and foremost with the view to improving your performance long term.  


Our Strength and Conditioning plan is designed to help keep the athlete in the best shape possible going through the season. Get yourself into peak physical condition in order to impress a new club, lead by example in your own team or simply raise your own high standards. Performance levels can be monitored and tracked and used as a template to return from injury during the season.


The athlete development program can be adapted for Athletes from all sports, with a higher focus on footballers due to Lloyd and Joe’s experience and background in Football. The program starts with a deadline day style medical examination and conversation about past or current injury issues, with the view to designing a plan around correcting those issues. If you have none or are not injured, even better. You will attend 2x sessions per week at Gym Geek and be provided with conditioning program and a pack to log, track progress, monitor nutrition and manage any non traumatic injury's.

Strength & conditioning Weymouth
Strength & conditioning weymouth gym

I've never really done a great deal of structured strength & conditioning work but Joe has really helped me plan my training load around my matches and training.

Harry Hutchinson Left Back Poole Town Fc


  • Men or Women

  • Aged over 16

  • Footballers from any level welcome from Sunday league to professional 

  • Anyone who wants to better themselves

  • Improve Cardiovascular fitness

  • Increase lower and upper body strength

  • Reduce Injury risk

  • Someone who can commit to training at least 2x a week

  • Someone who wants professional strength & conditioning and Sports therapy support both in and out of season

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I've been working with Lloyd and Joe over the last year to reduce the hamstring strains I was suffering with. This has progressed to a more structured approach to my training with a tailored strength & conditioning program. After the first 3 months I feel as quick and strong as ever.

Matt Burrows Left Wing AFC Totton

Whats Included

  • Transfer Deadline Day style medical examination

  • Injury History/ Review

  • Athlete Profiling and measurements

  • Body fat, Jump test, Power testing, reactive strength index etc

  • 2-3 hours of coaching contact time a week

  • use of the open gym times

  • Football specific periodised training program

  • Weekly Injury assessment slots with Lloyd

  • Injury rehab plan, if required

  • Fatigue Monitoring

  • Monthly and weekly training planner organised in advance via check ins

  • Nutrition Guidance

  • Call Joe or Lloyd for advice or queries 7 days a week

  • Other footballers on the same journey

  • No need for it to stop when the season begins either all of the above will be available throughout the coming season

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Whenever I get injured Lloyd is my go to. Joe & Lloyd are great and have helped me get considerably stronger over the last few months while maintaining my speed and fitness over the last few seasons as I made my way up the non league pyramid. 

Calvin Brooks Right Wing Salisbury City Fc


  • This is the year where you no longer spend the entirety of pre-season hating every training session, playing catch up, and missing out on that lucky break at a higher level because of your fitness levels or last season injuries.

  • The athlete development program focuses on keeping mental, physical and eating habits the number one priority for the aspiring athlete while they prepare for the coming season. Most athletes dread conditioning work or strength training for a multitude of reasons. Change that this year and return to pre season a month ahead of the rest of your team mates.

  • It’s time to train like an athlete. The League tables for local clubs, Weymouth, Dorchester, Bridport and Portland do not make good reading. All 4 of them especially got off to poor starts with their campaigns, which may be down to poor conditioning. We feel local football needs an arena in which to produce higher levels of performance from its players.

  • Lloyd and Joe have worked at football clubs in the football league, interacting with professionals every day and it’s time to bring that knowledge and sports science background to the local scene.

lloyd beals weymouth fc

Meet the Coaches

JUMP HIGER RUN FASTER Run Longer Reduce Injury risk ready for next season? 


I first worked with Lloyd nearly 10 years ago during my time at Weymouth FC. He was fantastic at diagnosing and treating any knocks I picked up during the season. 

Ash Wells Centre Back Dorchester Town Fc

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